Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WEEKEND DONE! weekend is done....(yes my weekends are not like most people's). Happy to say a lot accomplished on my screenplay!  However, not much going to get done this wife's brither and his family is flying in town tomorrow for the week soooo pretty much NO!!!

But progress was REALLY good and I am proud of what I have written and how its flowing......just dreading the re-write when I finish the first draft.....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What a day.....

Got some good work on screenplay today while daughter took her nap.....

Not much else to say other than I am trying really hard to connect with other writers on Facebook who really are attempting to get a screenplay out there..... not sure how to do it....seems like nobody pays attention to any of my posts....maybe they think I'm bullshitting and really am not a writer.......???? 


As I sit down this AM to fire up FINAL DRAFT 7  hash out some words in my script on my laptop, I realized several things......after my son died these thing failed me:

'religion' failed me
grief share groups failed me
self help books failed me
child loss support groups failed me
medication failed me
counseling failed me
those people who said they were 'friends' at that time failed me

......this  project is the only thing taht I seem to come back to when I think about October 21 2005.....its the ONLY therapy that seems to work and I can't wit to complete it....because there has got to be a light at the end.....huh?

Monday, June 6, 2011

...and that's the day

About only 40 minutes of writing but I am so damn tired (11:30 pm)  Took our daughter to the pool in 90 plus weather, so I'm ready to get some sleep.

Added the brief snippet of the car crash scene in the opening.....adds a little more wtf to this.  Also completed the conversation at the "coffee shop" in Amsterdam....boy that was strange, wonder why? In closing I kinda like these lines tonight: (and no this is not the format I use....Final Draft does not cut and paste well here):

No,really....the demon in you is strong, tearing away at your love AND your loss....let it out.
She stands up.

Let’s get into that playground and see what I can do.....but remember I am a guide, I CAN NOT and WILL NOT try to alter with what happens....these dreams are yours, hidden, but still yours.
And with that....good night!


How many people I wonder actually have the ability to lucid be able to control your every action and awarness in your dreamstate?  Sometimes I get the idea I am sooo close to being able to do this......several characters in my script have the ability to do this and much more......


Not a whole lot today other than the big decision to come back to this this time (10;27 PM CDT) sitting down and re-working some earlier elements.....adding the car crash scene to an early dream sequence....well this whole damn thing is one big hallucination, lucid dreaming sequence. 

...ready for what?

What’s happening to me? Did you put me in some dream stare or something?

No. Dream-breakers don’t do that. Your lost Dan. Lost in your mind. I think you are ready.

...ready for what?

That's the last I wrote on this back in October.........ready to take Dan (main character) into his hell that is also mine.......LET'S GO!!!!