Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Going to have to dumb this up......don't want to....

After last nights writing session I realized one thing.....I have gone to avant garde on this...a little too weird, not for me, but if I hope to do anything with this...it needs to be toned down and dumbed up...so I am introducing more mainstream ideas into the script....I hate to do this because its going to pander to typical dumbed up western movie goers but what can I do???

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it's better to write the script YOU want first, see how it turns out, then make changes if you feel like it's too "out there." But if you're gonna shoot this yourself, don't feel like you have to cater to a mass audience, especially if this is such a personal project. Make the movie YOU want to make. That's what I think...
