Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ok, maybe jumping ahead a bit...but 'sequel'? YES!

OK, I am still writing this, made some changes halfway through, does not change the ending however. So with what I know is happening to Dan (the main character) in the end (NOT telling yet!) and with were Grace is at the end, I feel I can write an entire other screenplay with her as the main character....I was thinking for a while, and have a core story scratched down on some paper....its not really a sequel to this, just in that it has one of the characters in it. Her world and her ability is so rich and her personality  is such a mystery to me that it begs for more development, this was just not HER story this is Dan's. But I feel strongly that Grace will return in my next screenplay, which her story is more of an out right horror piece; Dan's is more psychological. And when I say horror, I envision straight old fashioned horror, not the campy junk that is out these days....I'm talkin the scary stuff from the 70's AKA Suspiria type I hear Goblin playing in the background anyone????

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Love Suspiria! Love Goblin! Keep those wheels turnin', Jeff!
